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Leading with Science® and leveraging our technology

Combining industry-leading technology expertise and in-depth operational knowledge

Tetra Tech Delta delivers solutions that combine science and engineering expertise with advanced analytics and technology. 我们的跨学科团队与客户合作,为客户量身定制, sustainable, 以及可扩展的解决方案来解决他们最具挑战性的问题.












At Tetra Tech, 我们通过结合运营专业知识提供创造价值的解决方案, science, and technology.

利乐全球最大体育平台三角洲  包含先进的数据分析, artificial intelligence (AI), and digital technologies that we have designed to provide transformational solutions for our clients.

We create solutions that answer client needs—from smart data collection and advanced analytics that support decision-making to automated intelligent processes and secure cloud solutions that modernize operations. Tetra Tech Delta solutions provide AI-powered insights that can optimize asset management, increase resiliency, and reduce risk.

利乐泰达建立在超过50年的研究和行业领先的基础上, technology-driven experience that serve as the foundation for the solutions we are providing to our clients today. Tetra Tech’s interdisciplinary experts understand the challenges our clients face and how to leverage technology to solve them. 


Tetra Tech uses our Leading with Science approach to create technology solutions that combine our industry-leading technology expertise and in-depth operational knowledge into practical offerings.

街道的景观,部分街道和树木被红色突出, 显示了用于提供走廊通关评估的激光雷达



Tetra Tech’s FusionMap is an innovative and flexible web-based platform that transforms how users can access, manage, 并将他们的地理空间数据可视化. FusionMap integrates custom AI models to extract actionable intelligence from various data sources. 其综合资产管理, immersive 360-degree imagery, and augmented reality capabilities further enhance the user’s ability to explore data, 使FusionMap成为全球最大体育平台工智能驱动的地理空间数据管理的领导者.

  • 在3D建模和检查上花费的时间减少50%
  • 根据客户需求扩展超过45个AI模型库
  • 近实时激光雷达变化检测数千英里的道路, highways, 还有精确到毫米的铁轨
  • 365/24/7 fully automated flood monitoring of more than 2,000 miles of assets from coast to coast
  • More than 70 terabytes of processed, analyzed data from satellite vendors updated weekly
Map generated by OceansMap showing wave and wind predictions to inform offshore wind turbine maintenance requirements



OceansMap is designed specifically to overcome the challenge of combining complex environmental data from disparate sources and integrating impactful tools. It fosters collaboration, 提供公共操作图, 并促进数据驱动的决策. Tailored experiences create insights, inform decisions, and unleash the power of data.

  • 600多个环境数据源,覆盖全球和区域
  • 不断发展的库25+小部件和可视化和分析工具
  • 可定制的洞察仪表板,用于监控和规划
  • 在关键位置进行即时metoocean分析,以便进行明智的操作
  • 动态更新最新的预报和观测数据
  • Advanced cloud-native data management system with quality assurance/quality control
A man in business casual attire sits in front of a monitor displaying the myProjects dashboard with connected circuitry imagery overlaid



利乐全球最大体育平台的myProjects是安全的, 基于云的项目管理工具,具有直观, easy-to-use interface that can be customized according to program and project requirements, 提供单一的真相来源.

  • 在整个项目生命周期中节省高达25%的工作量
  • 支持全球6000多个项目,项目价值260亿美元
  • 由项目和项目管理专家提供支持
  • 准确的实时报告和见解,以推动明智的决策
  • 交互能力和易于集成到现有系统
  • Facilitates transparency, consistency, and collaboration between teams and stakeholders
Point cloud data from Tetra Tech’s RailAI and automation system that modernizes rail track inspection



我们的 RailAI解决方案使用全球最大体育平台工智能和自动化来实现铁路轨道检查的现代化, improving safety and efficiency. The RailAI autonomous railcar operates uncrewed and provides real-time track condition data for immediate and preventative maintenance.

  • 全球最大体育平台工智能驱动的自主数据收集
  • 以每小时70英里的测量速度进行实时处理
  • 24/7全自动轨道检查
  • 功能是全球最大体育平台工操作系统的五倍,每英里成本是它的五分之一
  • 检测率是传统方法的16倍
  • 目视检查减少50%
A plane and blue flight path visualization created using Volans with circuit imagery overlaid

Improving decision-making and communication with 3D air traffic visualization software


Volans® is visually stunning, easy-to-use, and functionally rich software that supports stakeholder engagement and data-driven decision-making. Tetra Tech’s proprietary and patented 3D visualization software enables users to study environmental and noise impacts near airports, 全球最大体育平台新的出发和到达程序, perform air safety studies, 为教育和社区外展制作视频演示, 并分析空域限制和障碍. Volans is an integral technology supporting airspace modernization in the United States and the United Kingdom.

  • 快速三维分析飞行轨迹和起降程序
  • 先进的视频制作能力,以协助推广和教育
  • Calculates environmental impact of both existing activities and proposed designs
  • 10 times speed increase in calculating noise and emissions impact at major airports
  • 3D visualization websites enable governments to inform and engage the public on nationwide airspace modernization
  • 空域变化及局部和区域影响的目视比较
A view of a room and hands holding an iPad displaying the AiHear app with a projection of sound changes to the space

Making acoustic simulations accessible to everyone: Hearing is believing with AiHear


AiHear™ is the first truly portable and simple-to-use acoustics auralization app that enables anyone to test and hear real-time adjustments to the acoustic parameters of an augmented reality or virtual reality space and associated sound sources. Anyone can easily simulate and experience how various design solutions will sound by customizing the sound sources, reverberation, and architectural and environmental acoustic conditions of the space and hearing the impact of these changes.

  • Experience Hearing is Believing AiHear只需要一台iPad和一副现成的耳机
  • 测试并聆听空间声学参数的实时变化
  • 便携,易于使用,任何地方
  • 与传统的听觉系统相比,节省50%的设置时间
  • 高度互动,支持更大的洞察力和明智的决策




Tech 1000.全球最大体育平台工智能决赛选手在楼梯上合影留念

Tetra Tech’s Tech 1000.AI挑战解决现实世界的客户挑战

City of Raleigh and Tetra Tech staff celebrate the City’s GSI and LID program ICMA Award of Excellence


The Tetra Tech designed dam including real-time controls to ensure effective operation of the flood protection


3D display of flight path and colored noise levels generated by Volans environmental analysis and design tool






Aerial view of the Fort Pierce Marina artificial island complex that Tetra Tech designed


Headshot of Bonnie Brandreth

Bonnie Brandreth Discusses Using Data Analytics to Strengthen the Modern Energy Sector

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